

Does your product or the company have experiences that you have been visited to interview from media.


Has your company, product or service ever been featured on TV or radio, in magazines or the newspapers?

If your company hasn’t benefited from these opportunities we can help!

Normally placing  ads in the newspaper can cost you millions of yen.

An effective alternative is to have your product or service showcased  on TV or radio shows for free!

Your company gets nationwide exposure without the advertising cost.


Fast turnaround compared to traditional TV advertising.
We can normally have your product or service showcased within 4 weeks from the start!.


Small to medium sized businesses normally never have the means or opportunity to promote their product on major media channels and are forced to market on social media only.

Imagine this. Your company is contacted out of the blue by a Japanese TV show and suddenly your product or service could be showcased to all of Japan.

However, you have no idea why or what to do when this opportunity knocks onyour door. What do you do?

This is actually a common occurrence.

Let us help you present your product or service in the best light  to the TV show andmake the most of this opportunity.

This is a common experience.

However, almost company news has been reported was set on purpose.

Inevitably, it is the result we take measures that the company was covered by media.


Do you want to be onTV free?


We make sure the media companies are aware of your product or service for showcasing on theirprograms.

We use all forms of mass media to promote your company’s brand.

We focus on promoting your business by:

  • making Press releases
  • getting feature articles written about your company
    in magazines and newspapers
  • organising promotional events

We can help spotlight  what companies get attention from the media due to our extensive connections in the industry to showcase them at no cost to the client.

Some companies have experienced a 20 fold increase in sales as a result of their product or service being showcased on TV.

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